Back in Australia this week, and an overdue mention of the newly launched Disaster Resilience Resource Manual Asutralia.
This is an initiative of Christine Ellingworth and Alexina Baldini, both psychologists, who are developing a resource manual to assist businesses and communities develop crisis intervention and an effective emergency response. They are helping build resileince of individuals, businesses and communities by encouraging them to support one another and to share knowledge – and to forge proactively these relationships so they can be relied upon when needed.
In their own words;
“At a time when natural disasters are increasing we are a resilience resource organisation who offers a comprehensive approach on how to find the resources for psychologists in small business that are setting up small business or revamping an established business.
This generates business confidence in best practice and protects clients. Unlike the ad hoc, piecemeal, jigsaw approach our solution utilises emergency management principles because we believe people need to be prepared, connected, and share resources and we imagine a world where people have the information they need, when they need it to take timely action for a more rewarding business.”
For their launch I contributed a piece on BC which you will find here. A brief overview of what BC used to be and what it could become – plus a simple set of quetions a small professional rpactice could ask themselves to start the BC readiness journey. I encourage you to take a look at the DRRMA website and consider if some of their resource models would be helpful to your context.
Very happy to promote those who are seeking to widen the focus and embrace of BC and the myriad other disciplines that contribute to an overall state of resilience – the more people and perspectives we bring into this tent the better, and stronger, it will be.
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