Just recently I commented on Alex Fullick’s learnings from the Japanese earthquake. One of my points related to the inter-dependence of the modern world. Today we must think in terms of global Supply Chains, and when disrupted we need to be adaptive, responsive and have a culture that promotes these attributes. Recently the New York […]
… Santa frustrated by Social Media
A large Australian retailer has been running a radio advertising program promoting Family Portraits with the following question; “Do you want to give Santa a lap dance?” Before people go running out to apply for Santa jobs, the reference to lap dances has been pulled from the ad. Here is a link to some press […]
… my first webcast (pt1)
Eventually! To make things more manageable, both for me to get a good recording, and for you to make viewing easier, I have split the Presentation into 2 webcasts. This is using Slideshare, and if you want to go there rather than use the embedded player, there is a link. As always, appreciate your questions […]
… organisational resilience workshop
I wrapped up the BCI Summit in Sydney last week by attending the Organisational Resilience Workshop. I guess it is an indication of the interest in the concept of resilience, this workshop was booked out weeks in advance. The Workshop Leaders, Peter Brouggy and David Parsons, have different leadership roles within the wider Australian Critical Infrastructure and Resilience communities. Here is a […]
… uncertainty and resilience
This is my presentation (at least the slides part) from the BCI Summit in Sydney today. When I have some time I may take up Jan Husdal’s suggestion to develop some form of webinar. I assume that was Jan getting me back for highlighting new research for him to review! The key message is this […]