Another Business Continuity Awareness Week has arrived.
In this timezone that tends to mean late nights if you want to catch the webinar program live, rather than on the replay. Replays are fine if you only want to passively consume the material, but if you also plan to ask questions and engage with the presenter then the live broadcast is the only option.
I am presenting a webinar on just that subject – “Counting the cost, of contributors and lurkers, for business continuity“. The primary focus will be on the contributions to the world’s first bcFlashBlog – but there may also be time to explore the other areas where we don’t like to comment or talk about our work and practices.
Until then, lets hope there are plenty of questions and interactions on the webinars tonight – and I look forward to the social media storm that will be generated by the bcFlashBlog. Here is a taste of what is happening about the FlashBlog on Twitter.
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