While I was in Toronto last week I took the opportunity to meet up with Trevor Levine for an impromptu meeting of (a subset of) Riskczar’s League of Extraordinary Risk Gentlemen. It is always interesting to have these real world meetups with people you have only met and interacted with online.
Just today Trevor announced that Riskczar has been named to the “50 Best Risk Management blogs” by PMP Certification Training.
It is not surprising. Trevor has the ability to describe the principles of risk management in a simple to understand fashion. HIs writing highlights the application of risk management principles in everyday life – and in pop culture such as this post about “Twilight Risk Management“.
This everyday translation of risk management means that Trevor covers topic as diverse as the risk of pornography and masturbation at work, Starbucks Risk Management and risk of Risk Management itself – just to name a few recent posts. Not your average risk and audit articles!
Clearly Trevor is a sports fan and regularly returns to that subject – even more so if you follow him on Twitter.
Like many Canadians Trevor is a fan of Ice Hockey. Although as a Toronto fan he tells me is accustomed to losing, so we may not see any posts about ‘Stanley Cup riot risk’ similar to the recent experience in Vancouver.
Writing about what people are doing to manage risks in their day-to-day activities, and using commonplace examples makes it easier for the audience to comprehend than having to wade through a heavy text book. Trevor’s writing style also helps this a lot.
Thank you Trevor for a pleasant evening, and I have already started reading the book you suggested.
Congratulations on the top 50 listing, and keep up the good work.
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