This post was inspired by a comment that Chris Miller made on my post about non-routine risk. I had used the term ‘unconscious competence’ to describe a mode of risk management that we all practice – dealing with risks such as crossing the road and the like. Things that we can do competently without having to […]
… 3 words to focus resilience in 2010
In a post on New Years Eve I highlighted the idea of using key words to focus our attention and pull us towards our goals rather than the more traditional form of New Year’s resolutions. While I guess many people may prefer to keep their personal key words to themselves, I thought I would share […]
… the end of the decade
Chris Brogan’s Blog is a great source of information on social media. Recently he posted about his novel approach to setting goals and resolutions for the New Year. Instead of setting specific resolutions he sets 3 words as his guiding principles, or the keyword to focus his mind on his goals. Chris describes it this […]
… complicated vs. complex issues
A few days ago I followed a linked post from Trevor Levine’s Riskczar blog and discovered Rick Nason’s RDS Solutions Blog. Rick is writing some interesting stuff, challenging traditional thinking and practice around Risk Management. I commented on his earlier piece on the need for creativity, but felt that this post about the need to […]
… resilience requires agile leadership
I came across this article amongst all the stuff in my Google Reader – Agility – The Skill You Want to Develop in 2010. I have not read a lot that caught my attention from this blog in the past. But there are a couple of things from this article I think are relevant. The Centre […]