Another disruption to add to the collection. This time it is not technology that is the cause, but a combination of mother nature and possibly some complacency.
From Jan Husdal’s blog today – highlights that road transport and communications are disrupted due to a lack of salt and other “grit”.
“All over Europe, salt is in high demand.”
I bet that is in the risk register, just after the entry about the ATM bug and just before the risk of asteroid strike.
Pax Romana, they knew the value of roads – and salt!
Keep warm Jan, good time to catch up on that reading and writing.
If there are any readers in Europe, how are your contingency arrangements holding up under these circumstances?
Thanks for using my post, Ken. It's getting colder by the day here, -17C in my place this morning.I'd give anything for good Aussie BBQ now 🙂 Coming to think of it, maybe we've become spoilt by global warming, and have simply forgotten how winters are supposed to be, because there is nothing really unusual about the weather conditions.