I was honored to find that my contribution has been short-listed for BC Paper of the Year.
You can find the full article, “Exercising and resilience: fit for purpose?” at Continuity Central.
This was something I wrote (in December 2014) to explore the application of coaching to the practice of building resilience. The perspective is from my own background and learning as a social participant in sport and as a coach at both the social and Elite League level.
… as we seek to advance our professional practices beyond the legacy domains of business continuity and into the wider domain of resilience, then we need to change the way we think about and develop our teams. We need to ensure that our training and development programmes move beyond a basic exercise. We need approaches that are fit for our new purpose as an elite management response team.
Resilience, like performance in elite sports, is built in practice sessions and on the training field. It requires that we have established an appropriate training regime and embedded a culture that recognises the benefits gained from disciplined training and practice.
In addition it was the first time I expanded on the ‘new’ skills of Collaboration and Curation in an article. I introduced these ideas at the Australasian BC Summit in 2014, along with the use of Agile Thinking as part of moving from legacy BC towards resilience.
I would love to hear your thoughts or comments.
If you are interested in hearing more about the ideas of Collaboration, Curation and Coaching – then join the steadily growing audience of my Resilience Ninja newsletter. There you will receive hints, tips and “how to” advice to build resilience by practicing these key new skills.
There is also a variation on the coaching theme in my BCAW 2015 Flashblog post – “Why testing and exercising are essential for an effective business continuity programme“
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