Wednesday of BC Awareness Week, how can you sustain interest (yours and others) for the balance of the week? Have you learned something new yet this week? Awareness – the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects or sensory patterns. Awareness is a relative concept. Self-Awareness – describes […]
… awareness and learning – BCAW 2011
Business Continuity Awareness Week continues … what did you do to raise awareness, or even your own level of knowledge yesterday? Here is an interesting addition to the BCI definition of Business Continuity which you can find via the BCAW Website. “Business Continuity Management is defined as an holistic management process that identifies potential impacts […]
Welcome to 2011 Business Continuity Awareness Week
This week is Business Continuity Awareness Week. Over recent years the Business Continuity Institute has built the events and promotion of this week, this year there are a number of online and real world events that people can join. The best place to start is the BCAW Website. One interesting new feature this year is […]
Why you should send your Risk and BC Managers on sales training
Risk and BC Managers are sales people. In fact they generally have stalls right next to one another in the “Antique Governance Bazaar”. They are attempting to sell themselves and their approaches every working day. Are you achieving your Risk/BC sales targets? Alex Fullick posted a great example of why we need sales skills on […]
A good news story – corporate supports the community
Over recent weeks a large chunk of this country has been under water, the worst impacted areas are in Queensland. Here is a map showing the impacted area. One of the major economic impacts of this flooding has been on the coal mining industry. Estimates of the cost to the coal industry are up to […]
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