Last week I was talking about the need for Sales and Marketing thinking to be applied to the risk/BC practice. To do either of these thing effectively we need the appropriate message and presentation. Too often we focus only Crisis Communication, and there are plenty who provide advice in that space. To become more resilient we need […]
Why you should send your Risk and BC Managers on sales training
Risk and BC Managers are sales people. In fact they generally have stalls right next to one another in the “Antique Governance Bazaar”. They are attempting to sell themselves and their approaches every working day. Are you achieving your Risk/BC sales targets? Alex Fullick posted a great example of why we need sales skills on […]
… competence and disclosure (Part 1)
This post was inspired by a comment that Chris Miller made on my post about non-routine risk. I had used the term ‘unconscious competence’ to describe a mode of risk management that we all practice – dealing with risks such as crossing the road and the like. Things that we can do competently without having to […]
… the need for new skills in BCM
The November/December 2009 issue of the BCI’s “Continuity” magazine has an article entitled “The multi-purpose BCM manager” (by Rick Cudworth and Chris Apps). These gentlemen work in Deloitte’s BC and Resilience practice. This is an interesting article that proposes a new skill set is required for BC Managers who seek to promote resilience rather than […]