I was honored to find that my contribution has been short-listed for BC Paper of the Year. You can find the full article, “Exercising and resilience: fit for purpose?” at Continuity Central. This was something I wrote (in December 2014) to explore the application of coaching to the practice of building resilience. The perspective is from my […]
Why testing and exercising are essential for an effective business continuity programme.
… and how testing, exercising and rehearsing fulfil different purposes. We seem to have a bunch of different names for this process of verification within the BC community. Hard to claim that we are validating preparations as “Fit for purpose” when we cannot even agree on what to call the activity. To me Testing, Exercising and […]
… from ‘Piper Alpha’ to ‘Deepwater Horizon’, do we really learn?
A couple of days ago I started to read the latest report of the Buncefield Disaster. The report highlights some root cause of the disaster in management failings; “these pressures created a culture where keeping the process operating was the primary focus and process safety did not get the attention, resources or priority that it […]