2011 brought us more evidence that we cannot predict all our risks. If you don’t believe me, check out the risk registers of News of the World/News Corp, Tokyo Electric Power Co or Pennsylvania State University and you should find the proof. Hopefully during 2012 we will start to appreciate the need for the ‘art’ […]
… Disrupter analysis
I am always sceptical when I find articles that claim to identify or eliminate the so-called “Black Swan” events. Primarily as they appear to be derived from not having read, nor understood, Taleb’s definition of a Black Swan event. First point of definition, the event is outside the realm of regular experience and there is […]
… risk & compliance reality vs maturity of perceptions
A few weeks back I received an email from the Economist Intelligence Unit announcing a new report they had published and suggesting I may like to post a review. The report is entitled “Ascending the maturity curve. Effective management of enterprise risk and compliance”. The report is the result of sponsored research, in this case […]
… Ash Cloud Risk, Australian style
Ash Cloud Risk – the impact of volcanic uncertainty on your air travel objectives. I have an objective to fly to Toronto on Saturday for the World Conference on Disaster Management. There is a volcano in Chile that is spewing uncertainty into my travel plans. Remarkably, this ash cloud is taking the long way […]
… variety in risk management
They say variety is the spice of life, and some days uncertainty plays its part and you get some totally unexpected variety. It seems Trevor Levine (Riskczar) had one of those days this week – at least it looks that way from looking at his tweets and blog posts for a single day. It certainly brought some […]