Today I am reviewing one of the earliest, and certainly one of the more influential, articles describing the concept of resilience as it applies to organisations. Despite being almost 8 years old, this paper still offers some interesting insights into the concept of resilience for the contemporary reader. “The Quest for Resilience” by Gary Hamel […]
… ritual and resilience
Here in Australia we have just finished a 5 day weekend. This year the Easter Weekend (normally 4 days) occured at the same time as the ANZAC Day public holiday. For the benefit of international readers ANZAC Day is a national day of rememberance for those who fought and died in war. It commemorates the […]
… culture, complexity and chaos
Today I want to introduce you to the Cynefin Framework – which offers some fascinating insights into the challenges of resilience, and some of the potential reasons why this concept is difficult to define and achieve. It continues the theme in some of the earlier posts around culture and how our world views are often […]
… culture and risk
This post is part of a series that has (hopefully) highlighted the importance of understanding culture and its role in the quest to build and sustain resilience. Today’s post explores the school of thought known as Cultural Theory of Risk – or just Cultural Theory (CT). This theory is mainly derived from the work of […]
… from ‘Piper Alpha’ to ‘Deepwater Horizon’, do we really learn?
A couple of days ago I started to read the latest report of the Buncefield Disaster. The report highlights some root cause of the disaster in management failings; “these pressures created a culture where keeping the process operating was the primary focus and process safety did not get the attention, resources or priority that it […]