We had an educational brush with uncertainty while driving home last night. My weekly commute is a 2.75 hour drive from where I am working in Canberra to our home in Merimbula. One feature of the trip is the rather steep and twisting stretch down Brown Mountain. Last night was pretty unusual, as you can […]
… life after BCM
Ever wonder where that ‘career road’ is leading you? No end, or deviation in sight? This morning while I was catching up on my RSS feeds over coffee, I came across a post that reminded me that sometimes we risk missing the real point, and the fun, in life. Sue Wilson used to be Risk […]
… are dogs smarter than risk/BC managers?
Dogs are very smart creatures, especially my girl (pictured). We train them to do some very valuable tasks. Guide Dogs are a great example, and are very valuable to the vision impaired person. These dogs are so smart that they even learn when they should ignore their masters instruction and use their instincts to achieve […]
… developing resilience
Recently I read a post by Jan Husdal reviewing a reference by Sutcliffe and Vogus – “Organizing for Resilience“. If you want a review of the article read Jan’s post – my purpose here is to take the ideas down a different path. We are often presented case studies of ‘resilience’ based on the observation […]
… resilience is wicked
“Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them” Laurence J. Peter Dr Peter may well have been talking about the problem of understanding, building and maintaing resilience. Resilience is a wicked problem. A wicked problem is one that is almost impossible to […]